No SEX before marriage!
No matter the love you feel for each other sex! should never be the first priority before marriage, if he really loves and admires you as he says, he will quicken your marriage ceremony. Some may say, sex should be rehearse so as to be perfect. NO NO NO is the answer it can be learnt whiles in marriage, since no one knows how it fells like, you will be satisfied with the little romance you play.
Accept The Shortcomings
None of us are perfect. Some of us are sloppy. Some of us are perpetually late. It's just what happens. If a person spent 18+ years of their life a certain way, you aren't going to "retrain" them. And really, they are not with you to have a new mommy or daddy. They want a partner in life to love them the way they ARE.
If she is always late, then plan your schedule to start out 1/2 hour early and start all your preparations based on that. Arrange to be at the show 1/2 hr early for drinks, so that if you slide a little, you just cut into the drink time and still can see the show.
If he is always messy, then first find ways to make things easier - get a hamper right by the bed, get a change dish right by the door. If it's more serious than that, talk to him about hiring a monthly maid. It might only be $30 - the cost of a few McBurgers - but it might really help your sanity level.
You have to accept your partner the way he or she is - and find ways to deal with the issues in a way that is not water torture for you
Admitting your wrong
Some days couples argue about stuff. This most likely is small little arguements as the couples figure out in the end -_- . In the end of the arguement if its not solved, one of them is going to notice that it's their fault for even starting about this arguement. That person will tell his/her partner that he/she is sorry, and of course the other person will forgive, because if both people really love each other, both couples cannot live in lives without each other.
Agree to Disagree
There are some issues that simply come down to personal choice. You like mayo. He hates mayo. There's no right or wrong there. You can try to force him to like mayo - but really, in life we are all different. We should respect each other's differences.
Just agree that she has her quirks and he has his quirks. You feel differently about the issue, and that's fine. You both do NOT have to agree 100% on issues. There's a reason that even close families often do not discuss politics or religion at the dinner table. Agree that you each have a point of view and that they differ. It is not your job in life to turn your partner into a clone of you.
Always talk about your problems
Sit down with your partner and talk about anything that is bothering you.
b coooooooooooooool
try 2 be cool.
Be Aware of Stressful Times
There are always going to be times that your partner is simply stressed out. He had a rough day at work, his boss yelled at him, and he comes home feeling very cranky. Sure, it isn't your fault, and it's not fair. But part of being a partnership is supporting each other against the world.
So don't take the grumpiness personally, and find ways to diffuse it. If he grumps, don't argue back - because the issue isn't the thing he's grumping about, it's just that he's full of angst. Get some food into you, maybe some wine, settle down to your favorite music or movie or TV show. Let him unwind a bit, and be there. Sometimes that security of love is what really makes the difference.
Now if someone ALWAYS comes home grumpy and this is a normal course of action - to take out the world's woes on you - then it's time for therapy. A couple should always be best friends together against the world. If one person is using the other as an 'easy punching bag', that is never right.
Be honest
Be...honest with ur bf/gf everytime.
Be Independently Happy
You love your partner, of course. But you should not rely on your partner to MAKE you happy. You shouldn't be miserable without your partner, and therefore blame your partner for making you sad by being away or not perfectly affectionate or whatever.
You should be a happy person with your life. You should have friends you enjoy, hobbies you enjoy, a life you enjoy. Of course you should want to share that with your partner, who you love! But your partner should be a joyful ADDITION to your life - not a "toy" that performs for you and keeps you entertained.
The more that you force your partner into the "make me happy!" role, the more you are going to wear out your partner and also set yourself up for disappointment.
Brush the haterz off
Don't let everybody in the relationship. It's you and him not you him and his mom.
Choose your Arguments Wisely
Each time you argue, it takes a portion of the joy out of your relationship. It also shows a lack of respect for each other, that you cannot sit and discuss an issue without resorting to out-shouting each other. If your partner insists while you're driving in the car that Layla was sung by Cream and not by Derek and the Dominos, it's not worth arguing over right then. Simply say "We'll look it up on Google when we get home."
Being in a relationship should never be about Being Right. It should be about both of you respecting each other and being happy TOGETHER. I'm not saying to be a doormat! But if it is something silly, find a way to agree to resolve it later - when it CAN be resolved easily.
Day at a time
Losing her might be inevitable. So give her the best time you can give her now and all the love you have so she has a reason to stay later. Love comes a day at a time. Dont plan ahead. Just be with them and let them know that you are happy. Be your self and Dont try to change them. Respect their views and feelings and most of all there is always a solution. If They really love you then they would of given it a chance and been mature about it.
Do Not Shout
Good relationships are between best friends who love and respect each other. Shouting involves intimidating or being louder than the other person to drown them out. This isn't a sign of respect by any stretch of the imagination.
If either of you begins to shout or in any way emotionally or physically abuse the other person, call a time out. Say you'll discuss it later. Don't be mean about it - the aim here is to respect each other. Don't dismiss the other person's concerns! Say that this is important to you, this is important to them, and your best chance of actually finding a solution is to talk about it in a little while. Then go for a walk, go for a bike ride, go find some way to de-stress and encourage your partner to do the same. When you discuss the issue later, it should be easier to find a solution that works.
Don't get mad, if she has her period.
You should understand the situation, you must respect, well you should help her, comfort her not to please something.
dont hate love,i love u ahmer
when u hate love love never across to u.u even find everything wrong so just love, love dnt hate love.
Don't hurt ur love
Love a blessing god.if we cannot kept happy our love.then atlest try to do not gave pain to the most gergious gift of keep love and be loved.
Dont say everything with your ex-bf to your present bf..
Dont say everything like u have sexual relation with your may hurt your bf/gf.
Don't suffocate him
Say you get home from work before he does. Don't immediately jump him with a to-do list the second he gets through the door.
Chances are the biggest thing getting him through the grind of his day at work was knowing he was coming home to you. Not to a chore list or nag list.
Just give him half an hour to an hour to relax, you will find him MUCH more receptive.
leave all your egos & understand one another perfectly.
when he cheats on u and cant give a satisfying explanation,pliz try and forget him.
forgive :)
there are tins that at first u tink, how could he? ect ect. talk to him about it openly, make sure u truely understand why he did something or said something. Try to believe him and trust him. But ofcourse dont be stupid, if u see that he is simply being a true arsehole and he has no good reason for what he did. then leave!! LOL but u hav to make sure that its something thats actually worht you guys not being together.., Think before you argue or acuse him of something.. LOL ahaha advice make sure u no what ur talkin about b4 u confront him about a girl or wtv... tell him u love him n mean it..
Build a Solid Foundation It'll help for the future. You'll know how to please him Emotionally, physically and Sexually
give a value to Your partner in your life
Value is very important in relationship involve your partner in every happiness and every sadness satiation, share problems with him or her be closed to her or him do not hide anything from him or her thats will help you alot to build a stronger relationship forever............
Give call on him/her birthday.
Don't forget to call him/her at 12:00am and say you love him/her,this will keep him/her alert that she/he is everything for you.
give him space
let him have space to hang with the boys. Time apart will help your relationship. Don't worry he may miss you. Time with the girl is stress free.
Give space
Too much togetherness might turn into smuthering,too much of anything is just too much. Keep an even balance in the relationship. Absense makes the heart grow fonder, not too much absense though.Give each other space to be their own person and add more to the relationship.
he/she come 1st
well when the call u or just want to be with u. and ignore them for some1 else. if they call tell the person u r talkin to that your gf/bf is calling and say bye. and if they want to be with u. then tell your friends that u and your gf/bf r goin to do somethin and that u will have to be with them a different time. but dont over do it. dont put off every sec. of your life 4 them. cus all that is goin to do is burn u out on love.
How to make a girl feel special!
Be yourself and let her know shes your number one. Dont let her get down on herself let her know shes loved thought about. Make sure you tell her with confidence. Women love confidence.
I Love You
Dont forget to say "I LOVE YOU''
ignore his mistakes and remind his love 4u
if u really love ur partner and u can,t live with out him/her and some times some dispute happens between u nd ur partner,cool down dn,t think about break_up,jst forget about his mistakes and remind his love that how much he loves u in normal life.
Less of the Ex - Please
Avoid saying too much of your ex love, say only what you are asked and nothing of not asked. Be careful not to say anything that may make the other partner jealousy and raise suspicion.
Let them help
If you have issues with your family life, friends, work, or school, allow your partner to talk to you. They love wanting to help you in any situation. But you have to be open and willing to talk about your problems. This is the biggest key to a long lasting relationship. Just be open and let them help.
listen good.
shut up and listen to the person you with!!!!!!!!!!!(:
if u love d person do it want u want,, but try to know if he/she love you also.
love is commitment
love is your commitment. Love with commitment. then love will commitment with u.
Never be afraid
Never be afraid of your partner just be free no matter how long u know each other. Just be free to say what you say and make sure you understand what you say.
Never Raise Your Hand
Sometimes we get cranky and crazy with all the stress and work and if your partner demands something and if possibly he/she has a mood swing please dont shout or raise your hand just walk out the room and get a cup of coffee or drink something to kool you down and then come back and resolve it peacefully.
never talk about break up
no matter how difficult the situation is, dont consider breaking up as an option.
No Lesson for love
Being in love is not a every day thing its something that you just simply feel.
There is not a single book out there that can teach you how to feel, how to react. You have to simply relly on how you feel the thruth can take you a long way.
NO OVERLOOKING!!!!!!!!! seriously
when you and your hubby are sitting down somewhere lets say at the park and hes texting on his phone, dont look over his shoulder to see if hes texting another girl or just to see who hes texting,,its reealy annoying and it shows that u don't trust him!
prayer for long relation
take your love to temple and both pray for a long reletionship thats truly works because he/she identify the hidden love in your soul that u really want a marry with....
Regular Meets
Try to meet with your partner at a lovely and quite place instead of a shopping mall and etc. I m sure it will deifnately enhance you attachment between you and your partner.
please dont loose ur identity in a relationship.
Stay truthful
No matter what you may have done in the past dont let that affect your relationships now and tell your partner about wont be that bad trust me!
Staying Together
For you to last you must talk, have feelings for each other, and risk somethings just to be with the one you love.
Tell him how you feel.
Make sure you tell your partner how you feel, and dont say things that you dont mean.
try 2 understand him
Jus try to understsnd him at any cost.try to feel da situation from ur partner's side.
try not to say no
when ure date asks you something try not to say NO.
When stressed...DON'T ARGUE!
Whenever he,s in a stressing time...give him support. There,s nothing you can do for him. He has to learn to do things on his own. Give encourgement or just talk about something else instead what he,s stressing over. If you feel as if your not getting enough attention from him don,t sweat it. He has other problems to deal with and you agruing is just making it worse. It doesn,t mean he doesn,t love you anymore it just means he needs time to get things done and holding him off isn,t working. Let him do him and he,ll come to you with open arms. You never know he might surprise you with dinner or a movie or just hang out...just the two of you. It,ll be worth it in the end. impatients is a virtue.
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